The human skull contains several air spaces called sinuses, which are connected to our nasal passages. They have no particular function, but are theorized to make the head lighter and more easily supported by the neck. The maxillary sinus is located in the upper jaw directly above the molar and bicuspid teeth. Sometimes the sinus becomes enlarged, creating thin bone, which would not provide good support for a dental implant.
A sinus lift (or sinus elevation) is a bone grafting procedures that builds bone volume below the maxillary sinus. Patients with inadequate bone structure in their upper posterior jaw will sometimes require this procedure before a dental implant can be placed.
There are two types of sinus lift procedures:
1) Osteotome Sinus Lift. This procedure involves using a small instrument to push the floor of the sinus upward through the hole made for the dental implant. This technique is minimally invasive, and is used when very little elevation is necessary.
2) Window Sinus Lift. This procedure requires an oval window in the bone next to the sinus. The soft tissue lining of the sinus, known as the sinus membrane, is carefully lifted and bone-grafting material is placed under it to provide support for a dental implant. A dissolvable collagen barrier membrane is then placed over the window before closing and suturing the gum tissue.
Bone grafting materials may be harvested from other areas of your mouth or obtained from a tissue bank (bone grafts). No matter what source or technique is used, the graft material will mature and develop into solid bone, providing a strong base for the dental implant.
Sinus lifts are safe and effective, and performed routinely on patients as part of total implant and reconstructive plans.